A PeaceBell for Vienna!

A PeaceBell for Vienna!

As an ambassador, I can be part of a great project by artist Michael Patrick Kelly - in Vienna, the PeaceBell will sound at the Children's Rights Square in Brigittenau! The action is really a matter of the heart of me and means peace to hear, see and touch. In the past, bells were melted down for war to make weapons. With this wonderful project, a connection is artfully made and the bells can, for peace, ring again. The PeaceBell will weigh about 400 kilos and I am already very excited about it, because the project should be completed by the end of the year to inaugurate it next spring! Together with Cathedral Pastor Toni Faber, I will be involved as an ambassador to support and promote this great project. We really want to reach many people! Especially in times like these, cohesion is important!

PeaceBell Vienna

Michael Patrick Kelly

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